The best full service cigar lounge in the greater Brandon area

Cutter's is a beer & wine cigar lounge. With over 100 different beer and wines at any one time. The humidor has more the 1500 different cigar selections. Pipe tobacco and accessories add to the full service cigar lounge experience.

Cutter's Cigar

Our Humidor

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All the brands you love are here

Pipe Tobacco

We have over 80 blends for your enjoyment

Events & Cigar Dinners We have monthly events & cigar dinners

We have a monthly events where cigar manufactures come in and give very special deals on there great cigar lines. The cigar dinners are very special and are a ticket event. 12 lucky cigar lovers get to experience a 5 course meal and cigar with some of the industry's best.

Cigar Club Member beniits

We have a great cigar club membership. With both locker and discount levels. Want to get 15% your cigars then this is for you.

Cutter's is a great place to relax and unwind with your friends We strive to make sure that we are meeting all of our customers expectations to ensure a welcoming and calming experience. With a great humidor and great smoke eaters you can enjoy your cigar inside or in our outdoor seating area.